Dragos Dogioiu

New Media Artist

XR Designer/Unity Developer

Teaching at UNATC I.L. Caragiale

Departments: Art of Game Design & Interactive Technologies

BA: UNARTE Photo&Video Art

MA: CINETIc Interactive Technologies for the Arts

Previous collaborations include:
Ars Electronica Festival, Boulevart Dubai Immersive Media Festival, National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, Scena9 & More

Selected Projects

The Cactus at The End of The World (2023)

VR Movie & Immersive Room Experience

A collaborative project together with Anca Poterasu Gallery, painter Iulian Bisericaru and composer Romain Poirier

Experience a post-apocalyptic world where the only living being left on earth is the cactus. Moving through a series of industrial ruins, the work is inspired by the paintings of Iulian Bisericaru.

Without a precise imposed narrative, with no need to discern the future from the past, we stop acting and dedicate ourselves entirely to the act of seeing, even though we are not sure if what we see is the world through a lens, a machinic perspective or just the cacti point of view.

Exhibited at the Art In Space Gallery Dubai, BoulevART Festival and Anca Poterasu Gallery Malmaison, Mobius Gallery Bucharest.
Brood (2023)

Kimera Module/VR Experience

Brood is a VR experience dealing with ecology and a post-human world. Being part of the collaborative installation Kimera by the group Kinema Ikon, the project uses series of AI generated assets in order to build a unique environment. The player is transported to a world where no human traces can be found, being replaced by strange flora and fauna.

They will have to interact with and discover the rules of this strange world, ultimately revealing the role in the ecosystem of the character they embody.

Exhibited at the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, The Museum of Art Arad- Kinema Ikon Hall, Dimitrie Leonida Technical Museum
Latent News (2023)

Interactive VR Experience

Latent News examines the multidimensional latent space used by artificial intelligence models in order to generate images. Using the Stable Diffusion AI, static frames belonging to real news programmes, such as the TVR broadcast during the 22nd of December 1989, are re-contextualized.

Through a series of prompts, the frames are transformed into other significant historical events. Sequences of teletext interwoven between the images show an AI description of the visuals in the form of teletext.

Exhibited at the The Wrong Biennale - Desktop Studies Pavilion and Whisper of The Posthuman World at the Center for Contemporary Art Iasi
The Condemned (2022)

Interactive VR Experience

A collaborative project with theatre director Bobi Pricop 

The project assumes a Stanford Prison Experiment type scenario, where the player inhabits the bodies of 3 different characters in the same situation, faced with making difficult decisions in an ever changing power struggles.

Much like a theatre play, there are a series of lines that the player must say out loud. They are recorded and played back from the perspective of the other characters.

Exhibited during an educational project examining the effects of prolonged war, the project was presented to hundreds of high-school students throughout Romania.
Anamnesis (2022)

Interactive VR Experience

CINETIc ITPMA Dissertation Project

Anamnesis is a gamified narrative experience in VR dealing with the subjective retelling of my childhood memories based on personal photographic and video archives. The main character in all the episodic memories is represented by myself at different stages in life.

Events are not depicted in an accurate manner, rather in the way they are remembered in adulthood and include elements of magical realism characteristic of childhood imagination.

Exhibited at Ars Electronica 2022, RADAR Festival, Diploma 2022,

Art Museum of Arad

Soma (2021)

Interactive VR Experience

Soma is a VR art project dealing with the perception of old, half-forgotten memories. The player moves through a vast space filled with neurons and synapses, searching for certain neural connections that represent key memories of the author.

Given the passage of time, the memories are faded and distorted, showing only passing impressions of real events. After witnessing a certain memory, more connections form with surrounding neurons.

Exhibited at The Art Museum of Arad, LeiLei Gallery,